“Kids do well if they can!” (Ross Greene)
Children behave the best that they can. At times, the demands placed on children overwhelm their skills, and/or caregivers' expectations do not match children's skills.
In Saskatchewan, you can contact Cosmin through CASA Psychological Services, where Cosmin is an associate https://saskatoonpsychology.ca/
In Ontario, you can contact Cosmin through Stradwick Psychology and Neurofeedback Clinic, where Cosmin is an associate https://stradwickclinic
Welcome! My name is Dr. Cosmin G. Colţea (you can call me Cosmin), and I am both a registered doctoral psychologist and a board certified behaviour analyst.
I have been working with children, adolescents, and their families since 2007.
I can provide services in both English and Romanian.
My practice is based on a theoretical model that highlights the role of culture in daily activities, as well as the interconnectivity between our actions.​
I provide services within an ethical framework, ensuring first and foremost the wellbeing of children and their families.
I work from an emphatic perspective:
I believe that children and their caregivers do the best that they can. We all fail at times, the important part is following our values.​
When not working, or reading the latest research, you'll find me spending time with my family, travelling and playing with my children. There is plenty of neurodiversity in my family. I am fortunate to daily apply, and refine, my knowledge. I am also aware of daily challenges, and of the need to be flexible in our interactions.
California Southern University, Doctorate in Psychology - Suma Cum Laude
Dissertation – The views of First Nations caregivers on neurodevelopmental disabilities in Canada.​
Florida Institute of Technology, BCBA coursework
Carleton University, MA in Developmental Psychology
Thesis – Companion dogs: Helping families with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder.​
Carleton University, BA Honours in Psychology
Thesis – Pets as social support in families of children with and without Autism.​
European University Dragan, Law School
Colţea, C. G. (2022). The views of First Nations caregivers on children with
neurodevelopmental disorders in Canada (PsyD. dissertation).
Colţea, C. G. (Nov 2015): Autism- Intro and Strategies, 1-day workshop.
Colţea, C. G. (Apr 2015): Teaching Verbal Behaviour, 2-day workshop.
ColÅ£ea, C. G. (Mar 2015): What is and what isn’t Autism, community.
Colţea, C. G. (Mar 2015): ABLLS-R and planning for IIP, 1-day workshop.
Colţea, C. G. (Jan-Feb 2015): Verbal Behaviour for home and school, 2-day workshop.
Colţea, C. G. (Jan 2015): Advanced curriculum planning based on ABLLS-R, 1-day
Colţea, C. G. (Jan 2015): Verbal Behaviour based curriculum, 1-day workshop.
Colţea, C. G. (Nov 2014): Characteristics of Autism, 1-day workshop.
Colţea, C. G. (Jan, May 2014): ABA in school settings- Verbal Behaviour curriculum,
multiple phases school division wide training, several-day workshop.
Colţea, C. G. (Oct. 2013). Verbal Behaviour- Copiii de Cristal, non-profit, Braşov, Romania.
Colţea, C. G. (Nov. 2012). Environment Modification. Presentation at the annual meeting of
the Public Health Nurses, Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador, Stephenville,
Van Fleet, R., & Colţea, C. G. (2012). Canine-assisted play therapy with children. In Gallo-
Lopez, L. & Rubin, L. (Eds.). Play Based Interventions for Children and Adolescents on
the Autism Spectrum. New York: Routledge.
Colţea, C. G. (Apr. 2012). Training Family Dogs for the Benefit of Children with ASD and
their Families. Oral presentation at the 2012 Ontario Association on Developmental
Disabilities conference, Kingston, ON.
ColÅ£ea, C. G. (Dec. 2011). Effects of companion dogs on adolescents’ mental health. Invited
speaker, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, ON.
Colţea, C. G., Girardi, A., Davidson, A., & Parlow, S. (Nov. 2011). Effects of farm related
activities on the behaviour of children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Poster presented at the Pickering Centre launch, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON.
Colţea, C. G. (Sep. 2011). Integrating companion dogs in families with children with an
Autism Spectrum Disorder. Invited speaker, Children at Risk, Ottawa, ON.
Colţea, C. G., & Parlow, S. (Aug. 2011). Companion dogs as social support for families with
children with and without Autism. Oral presentation at the 20th Annual Conference of the
International Society of Anthrozoology (ISAZ), Indiannopolis, IN.
Colţea, C. G., & Parlow, S. (Oct. 2009). The effects of companion dogs on families of
children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster presented at the Human-Animal
Interaction Conference (HAI), Kansas City, MO.
Colţea, C. G., & Parlow, S. (June, 2009). Do children with Autism Spectrum Disorders form
emotional attachments to their companion dogs? Poster presented at the Canadian
Psychological Association Convention (CPA), Montréal, QC
Colţea, C. G., & Parlow, S. (Apr. 2009). An exploratory study of the role of companion dogs
as social support for mothers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster
presented at the Research Special Interest Group Seminar (RSIG), Barrie, ON
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